Detecting Warts On Your Pet

We all know that people can get warts , but what about your family pet? Believe it or not, our dog can most certainly get warts.Certai...

Monday, December 19, 2016

Low Cost Wart Removal Options

When it comes to money, there are many Americans wish to save money, whenever they can. It seems as if nowadays prices are rising all across the board; therefore, there is nothing wrong with wanting to save money. In fact, you may even want to save money when it comes to removing your unpleasant or unwanted warts.  If this is the case, you will find that you have a number of different low-cost wart removal options.

Before examining low-cost wart removal options, it is important to keep one thing in mind.  What you consider low-cost someone else may not. That is why it is sometimes difficult to list products, services, or medical treatments that are low-cost because not everyone shares the same understanding of affordability.  However, with that in mind, there are still a number of effective, low-cost wart removal options.

Home Remedy

 Perhaps, the best type of low-cost wart  removal is one that is considered a  home remedy. In fact, some home  remedies are not only considered low-  cost, but they are considered completely  free. This is because many individuals  have the ingredients needed already  inside their home.  If you do have these ingredients, you may be able to effectively remove your warts, without even having to spend a penny.  If you are interested in finding some free or low-cost wart removal home remedies, you are advised to perform a standard internet search. That search should produce a number of different results.


Over the counter products

Although home remedies are nice, there are some individuals who are uncomfortable with using them. If you are one of those individuals, you can seek assistance from over-the-counter products.  On the market, there are a number of different over-the-counter wart removal products that are available for sale.  Perhaps, the cheapest of those being medicated pads or bandages.  Medicated pads or bandages come in a number of different sizes and styles.  In most cases, these pads or bandages are able to stick to your wart for a number of days. This means that you do not have to purchase a large package of them. In fact, with these over-the-counter medicated pads or bandages, you may be able to have your warts removed for under five dollars.

Another popular, yet somewhat affordable, over-the-counter wart removal product is one that freezes your warts; thus resulting in them falling off. These products are sometimes referred to as freeze away or freeze-off wart removal products.  As previously mentioned, these types of over-the-counter products are considered relatively affordable. This is because they tend to cost more than other over-the-counter wart removers. The cost of these freeze-off products mostly depends on the product manufacturer; however, you should be able to purchase a standard size package for around twenty or thirty dollars. 


 It is important to again focus on the fact  that different individuals have different  views when it comes to labeling a  product or a service low-cost.  For  instance, for some individuals having  their warts professionally removed is considered a low-cost wart removal option. Those individuals are likely ones that have health insurance. Depending on the type of health insurance plan you have, if you even have one, you may only be required to pay a small co-pay, if you are even required to pay one at all. Essentially, this means that depending on your situation, wart removal performed by your family physician or a local dermatologist may be considered low-cost. 


If you are looking for the most effective, yet affordable way to remove your unwanted warts, it is advised that you take a minute and examine your needs, as well as your financial situation.  For instance, it is quite possible that spending a few extra dollars will produce better results; however, you will not know this unless you thoroughly consider all of your options.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Effective Ways to Identify and Get Rid of Warts


Basically, warts are skin lesions or blisters that appear on the skin. They are usually harmless but painful and could be contagious especially to people who do not practice good skin hygiene. Warts can develop on any part of the body, most commonly on the face, hands, feet and neck. It is caused by the human papillomavirus(HPV). Warts cause the skin to thicken and that results in itchy and torn skin.

They can be contacted by anyone irrespective of their ages but is most common in children and younger adults. Being in contact with someone who has it can equally get you infected. They can be very difficult to make out but you have to look out for small dark spots that cluster or appear individually on your skin. Once you notice these skin lesions, it is pertinent that you get rid of warts as they usually appear nasty and unattractive.

Types of Wart
                                     Plantar warts
These usually appear on the bottom of the feet and can be very painful. They tend to grow inwards instead of out compared to other types of warts and can be very contagious as they spread quickly in moist areas. With pressure being put on the feet from walking every day, they can cause a lot of discomforts.

                                     Genital warts
Also known as donkey warts, they only appear in the genital area and they vary in shape and appearance. Sometimes, they can be skin colored. In females, they appear inside and outside the vagina or anus while in males, they appear on the penis, thighs, scrotum and anus.

                                        Flat warts
They are usually round in shape and are tiny with a smooth look. They appear anywhere on the body in large amounts and spread quickly to other parts once touched or scratched.


                                     Seed warts
They look like tiny seeds with black dots and appear on the hands and fingers. They are much easier to get rid of and sometimes appear together with plantar warts.

How to Get Rid of Warts

It is a general notion that people with these have poor skin hygiene and so it is necessary that you know what measures to take to get rid of them and save yourself some embarrassment. Here are a few remedial actions that can be taken;

·        In the case of plantar warts, applying salicylic acid and cantharidin will cause blisters around the affected area and cause it to fall off. Treating it orally will help boost your immune system and in getting rid of them. The natural ingredients found in homeopathic wart removal lotions make it very safe and reliable in the treatment of warts. These lotions can be found online and vary in size and have lesser tendencies of creating any side effects.

·        Laser therapy can also be used as a means to get rid of them. It can be painful and is quite costly and is often used as a last resort for warts that are stubborn and cannot be removed using other methods of treatment.

·        Other remedies that one could employ include crushing fresh garlic and applying it on the affected area then covering it with plaster. Alternatively, you could also make a paste using crushed vitamin C and water and apply it.


Getting rid of warts has recently developed into a topic of desired interest, research shows that home warts removal remedies are way more affordable and easier to administer. Also, topical warts solutions treat and eliminate warts faster in the most effective way. 

Most recommended means for wart removal is by using an over the counter product called Wartrol. It can be used by anyone and is primarily designed for home use.
Wartrol combines salicylic acid with natural ingredients for the Hpv warts removal. 

It is often believed that once a person boosts his/her immune system, getting rid of warts become very easy. It is absolutely important to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Professional Wart Removal: What You Should Know

In the United States, a large number of individuals develop warts on their body. Warts, although they can be unpleasant, are almost always harmless. Despite being harmless, there are many men, women, and children who wish to have their warts removed.  If you are undergoing a wart removal for the first time, you may want to think about visiting a professional healthcare worker.  Many individuals feel more comfortable undergoing their first removal when it is done by a professional.

Clinical Warts removal

There are a number of important factors that you should take into consideration, when having your warts removed by a professional. 

  • One of those factors is the type of doctor you plan on using. If you have a doctor that you see on a regular basis, you may be able to have your wart or warts removed by that doctor.             Although a large number of primary care physicians do remove warts, there are some who do not. If your doctor does not perform any wart removal procedures, they will likely refer you to someone else who does. That person may be a dermatologist; a professional skin doctor.

  • It is also important to consider the removal method that will be used. This is important because your body may have a negative reaction to certain removal methods.  Before undergoing any treatment, inform the dermatologist of any medical complications or allergies that you may have. This information may have an impact on the success of the wart removal.

  • Despite being relatively harmless, your wart may be tested.     Dermatologists are healthcare professionals that have a focus on skin and everything that is associated with it. For that reason, there is a good chance that a dermatologist will test your wart or warts. This is completely normal; therefore, you do not need to be alarmed if your wart is taken for a biopsy.

  • After the procedure has ended, your primary care physician or dermatologist will likely provide you with a set of instructions.  These instructions will most likely tell you how to properly care for your wound.  This is extremely important. Wart removal procedures may result in scaring, even if it is professionally done. Scaring tends to depend on the care given to the wound afterwards. 

By keeping the above mentioned points in mind, you should be able to know what to expect when you go to have your wart or warts professionally removed. If you would like more information on the process, as well as any precautionary measures that you should take, you 

should Watch this video on Youtube.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Recognizing Different Types Of Warts

There are many myths and truths about warts. I remember like most of you as a child to not 
dare pick up a frog or you will get warts. I really don't know who came up with that theory. The truth is frogs have nothing to do with warts. To be perfectly honest most warts are really painless. They can be referred to as a lump that is noncancerous. Most of us have a immune system to the warts and usually can't get them. 

Types of Warts

Some people however can be susceptible. However they usually won't last long and they will soon disappear. For those that might be susceptible to them I will go over the different types of warts and how to treat the type you may have. 

  • The first type is what we call the most common ones. These warts will have show up on your skin usually on a rough raised surface that can appear anywhere on your body but most of the time they can be found on the top part of your hand. 

  • Another type of wart is called a flat wart. Unlike the common wart that makes your skin feel rough this type will make your skin feel smooth and is a very small type of wart that that can appear in a cluster form and will mostly develop on a part of your hands, legs,and mostly will appear on your face.These warts are usually so small that you may not notice them.

  • There is also a wart known as the plantar wart. This type of wart can feel like a callus and will show up on the bottom part of your foot.If you have had a callus you know how painful that can be when you put pressure on it. This type of wart can be painful similar to what a callus will feel like when putting pressure on the foot.

  •  A fourth type is a wart known as the filiform .This type of wart will show up around your face area such as your eyelids and even your neck. These warts are very small but also can be a very long shaped wart.

  • One more I want to mention is for the woman reading this. The wart called genital warts.These are another smaller type of wart that will be very uncomfortable and will appear on your genital area and can also show up on your anus area.

I know these warts are very bothersome but there is some self-care options that might help.

Treatment Methods

If you have a wart that is not very noticeable and is taking longer then you want to go away you can just use a medicine you can buy over the counter. You can find these over the counter medicines in a liquid form or even a pad. When you start to use this medicine put this medicine on the top part of your wart and also put some of the medicine on the side of the wart. Make sure you do not put this medicine on directly on the skin that is around the wart you are treating.Look on the directions to see how long it will take to work. 

  • It is recommended that you see a physician if other methods do not work for you. He may can prescribe you a prescription medicine that will work better. Whatever kind of wart you may have make sure you do try to treat it before it can get infected. They can be annoying but also can be treated without going through a lot.

Monday, August 8, 2016

Top Home Remedies that Effectively Gets Rid Of Warts


Warts are grown by a virus called Human Papillomavirus (HPV), which causes their rapid growth and spread. It is often advised that you employ adequate treatment as soon as possible once you notice the symptoms. Without going into many medical details on the reasons for their occurrence, possible solutions are highlighted on how to get rid of them.

Here are some tested and approved ways to get rid of warts using home warts remedies. Although a lot of people out there are not much away from this natural methods, but over the years these proven medics have ransomed so many warts hazards.

How to identify warts

It is important you make sure you're dealing with warts because there are many skin conditions that look like warts such as moles and corns. warts are really an uncomfortable rash because of its frequent itching at their spot. Warts cause more pain when pressed together by the sides, if it doesn't it may just be callous.

 Home Warts Remedies That Work  

Duct Tape: Believe it or not, a very popular home remedy on how to get rid of warts is by using good old 'Duct Tape' In fact, it is a reliable prove by researchers that it eliminates warts completely and as quickly and painless as possible.If you’re willing to give this method a try, simply apply the duct tape directly on warts, allow the duct tape to stick properly on warts for about a week and then remove the tape. Soak warts in water and then scrub off with a pumice stone and watch warts immediately come off. This again is a time tested method on how to get rid of warts.

Aloe Vera: Using aloe Vera is another home method of warts removal. All you have to do is dip a small portion of cotton wool into an aloe gel solution preferably for about a minute, tape the aloe-soaked cotton wool directly on your warts. Add additional aloe gel to the cotton wool once every few hours and make sure to change the cotton wool daily and within the week warts should fall off.

Castor oil: This is another method which has proven effective in eliminating warts.     Apply the castor oil onto the affected area of warts on your skin and then massage the lubricants on that area of your skin with your fingers. Repeat this for a period of one to two weeks and your warts should disappear.

Banana peel: The banana peel is quite effective when it comes to warts removal, simply rub the banana peel on the wart area and within 2 weeks it will clear away. It is proper to be consistent with this method to achieve an effective result.

Lime juice and apple cider vinegar: This dual juice extracts are also well-known warts home removal remedies. Just soak a piece of cotton in one of these juice liquids and apply on the affected area, and if consistently done, it will slowly melt warts away by the citric acids contained in the fruit liquid. Additional warts removing techniques include: using chalk, aspirin, dandelion, baking soda, papaya, and milkweed. These and many others are all individual solutions and are to be applied topically. It is important you make sure, you are not allergic to any of these ingredients when choosing a home remedy.

These warts removal home remedies can be used in all wart cases except for warts which can only be found in the genital area. It’s best to consult a physician for a proper diagnosis if you think you have genital warts.
Having warts on your body can really be embarrassing but getting rid of them fast is a bold step. Considering all the best home remedies and applying them, you can say bye-bye to all your warts and stay healthy.

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

At Home Wart Removal Remedies that Work


Home wart remedies
Each year, millions of persons develop a skin condition. Most times that skin condition is minor. One of the most common skin conditions people have is known as warts.  Warts are non-cancerous growths that appear just about anywhere on the skin/body. Many people have warts on their body, it changes and makes skin look rough.  To get rid of warts, you will need to choose a wart removal treatment that works best or you.

To get rid of warts you could seek assistance from professionals or purchase a warts removal product.  When visiting a professional, usually a primary care physician or a dermatologist, warts are removed mostly by surgery.  Despite being removed by a professional, you will find that many of the removal methods are the same when compared to a home warts removal method or procedure. Therefore, a large number of individuals, especially those without health insurance, make the decision to save money and remove their own warts.

Home Wart Removal Remedies That Work

There are different options igetting rid of warts using home wart removal remedies. Most of these options can be considered as old fashion methods.  For as long as most persons can remember, home wart remedies have been used to treat different types of warts not depending on where it is found on the body.  If you are looking for an easy and relatively low-cost way to remove warts, you may want to start examining home remedies for wart removal.

Castor Oil 

Castor oil is an extract of castor-oil plant gotten from its seed. Besides its purgative properties, it has several other medicinal benefits which include clearing of genital warts. There’s anecdotal evidence backing the use of castor oil to treat genital warts. If correctly applied, castor-oil helps clear genital warts within two weeks. There are several ways in which castor oil can be used to treat genital warts, it can be applied directly on warts alone or in a mixture.

Pure Tree Oil

The other method of using tea tree oil is in its pure form. Pour approximately six drops of pure tea tree oil in a bathtub full of warm water. Soak yourself in the water several times in a day every day.

Thuja Oil

Thuja oil is extracted from the evergreen conifer, Thuja Occidentalis. Which is common in southeast Canada and the north-eastern of United States. Its usefulness in the treatment of genital warts is accorded by its antiviral properties. Thuja oil, once applied, it eliminates the virus causing genital warts, HPV, from the affected areas.

Things To Consider When Examining Home Warts Remedies

When examining home remedies for wart removal, you will want to use the internet to your advantage. Online, you should be able to find a number of different websites or resource guides that are devoted solely to home remedies; home remedies which may be used to remove warts. What is nice about home remedies is that most people have everything that they need already. This means that you may not even have to spend a dime.

In addition to researching wart removal home remedies online, you may also want to think about purchasing a home remedy book. While this book will cost money, it may be useful for years to come.

Although a large number of home remedies are effective at removing warts, there are some individuals who are just uncomfortable with trying them. If you are one of those individuals, you can rest assured, you are not out of luck.

In addition to using home remedies, you should also be able to find and easily purchase a number of over-the-counter wart removal products.  Over-the-counter wart removal products are often available for less than thirty dollars.  These products can be found online e.g wartrol

In a way, over-the-counter wart removal products are considered safer than most home remedies. This is because products being sold in retail stores are required to meet numerous standards; therefore, you are almost guaranteed to be purchasing a safe product.  Despite the fact that most over-the-counter wart removal products are considered safe, you will still want to display caution when using them. Before beginning an over-the-counter wart removal procedure, you are advised to thoroughly read all of the directions. In addition to reading the directions, you need to make sure that you follow them.  Reading and following the directions should only take a few minutes of your time; therefore, there is no reason why you should skip ahead without first knowing what you should or shouldn’t do.


As with just about anything in life, there are some risks associated with removing your own warts. That is why it is important that you know exactly what you are doing or how you are doing it. An improper removal of warts or a failed removal attempt may not only result in the re-growth, but it may also result in complications.  It is not uncommon for infections to be connected with wart removals, especially at home removals.  That is why it is important that you always display caution, whether you are using a home remedy or an over-the-counter wart removal product.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Genital Wart Removal - A Brief Guide

Genital warts is a sexually transmitted infection that affects the genitals of adults - both females and males. Genital wart removal is the process of healing these infections and needs to be done as soon as the infection is detected to avoid development of further complications.
The greatest percentage of these warts is caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV) which has various strains with some of them causing cancer. 

The virus causes development of tiny flesh colored lesions that may appear on the genitals or in the anal region but some cases have been known to occur in the mouth and throat regions for people who have engaged in oral sex. The warts are usually asymptomatic hence most people will not feel any pain but depending on the region they occur you may feel some pain. HPV though sexually transmitted does not require exchange of body fluids like other STIs but rather simply coming into contact with the infected skin will cause you to be infected.

The first step in genital wart removal is diagnosis and the first sign of them is the physical appearance of warts on the infected area. For women, a pap test may be used to detect changes in the genital area that the warts may cause. Genital wart removal is however not a cure for the viral infection in your blood. This means that the warts may return and you will need to have warts removed more than once.

How to get Rid of warts

One of the techniques used for genital wart removal is cryotheraphy where the warts are frozen. This could be achieved liquid nitrogen which takes less than a minute. It is a painful process but most doctors do not use anesthesia to numb the area except for extreme cases. The pain from this procedure could last for up to three days or more. Interferon is also another way to freeze warts for removal. It is an antiviral drug that is injected directly into the warts. This is however used in the case of advanced infection.

Laser treatment 
Another technique for genital wart removal is laser treatment. This means that a local anesthesia will probably be used since laser treatment needs to be meticulously done since laser beams can penetrate flesh and cause serious damage to internal organs. Laser beams are high frequency beams of light that are focused on a particular target. They are also used to cut metals so you can imagine the effect they will have on your skin if accidents were to happen.

Excision procedure

Another way of genital wart removal is electrosurgical excision procedure. This method uses a sharp instrument shaped like a loop and passes it under the skin where the wart is. This then cuts off the wart from the skin and effectively removes it.


Genital wart removal does not have to be a physical process of cutting them off; you could buy chemicals which dissolve the warts and get rid of them. You will however need to use these chemicals for a number of days or weeks depending on the severity of your infection. The chemicals for warts removal are specific to the area where they should be used. If you apply chemical that are meant to remove warts on your hands to the genitals, then your skin will be irritated making it sensitive and tender.

Genital warts will not kill you but if you do not have them removed, then you will transmit them to your partner and this could cause problems for your relationship. Use of a condom will not prevent transmission of warts. The only way is to have genital wart removal procedures.

To learn all about genital wart Removal Click here